Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fan Days Report

From Paige:

Qui-Gon was up all night with me doing some last minute sewing for the convention.
He then waited in line with me from 8:30 am to 10:30 when they finally let us in.

Once we got in he met Stephen Stanton and Timothy Zahn, as well as the man we all called Fando Calrissian.
It was a long walk to all the booths and panels so he hitched a ride on a dewback with a friendly stormtrooper who knew all to well the disadvantages of being half a foot tall.

He even sat with me during a caricature drawing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Start

This is Qui-Gon. He is a Beanie Buddie.

In order to participate you will need to be able to receive Qui-Gon from the USPS.

Once in hand, you'll need to enjoy having Qui-Gon around, take some pictures, and post them in this thread and / or email them to me at quigonstravels@rocketmail.com. I will take them, compile them, and post them on Qui-Gon's  official blog at

I, of course, encourage you to be creative and Have Fun! Want to sew a patch on Qui-Gon? Go ahead! Want to put something else in his box to keep him company? Great! Want to take him on an airplane ride? Wonderful! Want to show him your local sights? Awesome! Going to a Con or Event? Take him with you!  Be creative, have fun, and enjoy your time with the world traveller. Just don't keep him for too long... there are others who want to play, too!

Once you've had your fun, you'll need to mail Qui-Gon to the next person in the queue (which will be determined here). Unfortunately, this does mean you'll have to pay $X.XX to ship him, but... that's the cost of having Qui-Gon come to visit. You'll get the address of the next person in line one way or another, but likely from me via PM.

This will be open to full member and message boaar members of The Jedi Assembly alike. Please make sure you are a TJA member before requesting Qui-Gon.